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Finding love, joy, hope and peace through our online worships - come and join us!

Finding love, joy, hope and peace through our online worships - come and join us! (0)

Whilst our church buildings are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic our faith community is very much open and sharing ministry in many amazing and innovative ways. The following online ministry is happening each week for people of all ages with online communion, quizzes, coffee and chats, youth groups, young adult groups, congregation and existing online worships. We are using the Zoom platform for our online activities. Please email the contact person for details on how to join, all are welcome:  

 Saturday 13th June

14th June 8.00 pm Younity in Community: young adult ministryall are welcome: contact

Sunday 14th June 

10.45 am Leicester and Nuneaton Worship: ministry on welcoming the stranger, led by Sally Leitch - contact Wayne  or contact Janette at

11.00 am Clay Cross and Sutton: will be meeting for Coffee & Chats: contact Cheryl at or 

11.00 am Denton Messy Church: contact Carol at 

11.30 am South Wales Worship: ministry on welcoming the stranger, led by Collin & Ann Waring: contact Ken at 

5.00 pm Stockport Youth Group: contact Paul at

7.00 pm Community Circle - Ministry for seekers and disciples: contact Rand or Gail at 

7.00 pm Community Connections Worship: Sally Leitch will lead this worship based on welcoming the stranger: contact Andrew at 

Monday 15th June

8.00 pm Nuneaton and Leicester Youth and Young Adults: contact

Wednesday 21st June

3.00 pm Family Worship:  come and join in singing, dancing, activities and bringing the scriptures alive: contact for more information

Dates for your diaries:

27th and 28th June - Youth Rally 2020 online for school years 2 - 13 with activities, worships, campfires and get-togethers: contact for more information

8th July 7.00 pm A conversation with Richard Wrangham (Professor of Biological Anthropology, Harvard University) In a world of human kindness why so much violence? contact please register for this webinar, places are limited

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Monday, 30 September 2024 12:01


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Our Safeguarding policy is being updated and will here soon. Sept 2024

Saturday, 28 September 2024 06:26


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Our Safeguarding Policy has been updated and will appear on the website soon 

Thursday, 05 July 2018 12:29


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Our Safeguarding policy has been updated and will appear on the website soon 

Sept 2024

Monday, 25 June 2018 10:41


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Podcasts can be produced by just about anyone wanting to share and communicate with the world

Using digital media, listeners can engage via websites to leave comments about a Podcast they have listened to, ask questions and enter into discussions.  Podcasts bring together communities of like-minded people from all over the world with a shared common interest.


Community of Christ Sings

Leading Congregations in Mission

Faith Stories

Spiritual Practices

Worship around the World

 If you have any favourite Podcasts that others would like to hear, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Wednesday, 20 June 2018 14:29

Key Resources

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Initial Resources for Seekers/Investigators Exploring Community of Christ 

You will know that Community of Christ had a brief shared history with the Latter-Day Seeker community between 1830 to 1844.  From that time the two churches have been separate communities travelling their own, unique faith journey.

Today, Community of Christ welcomes all people, regardless of gender, sexuality, colour, race or creed.  Here we celebrate the worth of all people and embrace the rich diversity of life which creates communities of love, hope, joy and peace. A community that has ordained women to the priesthood for over 30 years, has full equality for LGBT members and friends and celebrates marriage for those that love God and each other regardless of their sexuality. You are invited to explore the material below produced by Community of Christ specifically for seekers/investigators. 


The following differences in our faith terminology may be of help as you explore our community:  

 LDS terminology  

 Community of Christ equivalent terminology




Congregation or house church


Mission Centre (one for the whole of the UK)



Branch President


Mission Service

World Service Corps (voluntary 3 or 12 month programme)

General Conference

World Conference (held every 3 years)

EFY (Especially for Youth)

International Youth Forum 

Stake Conference

Mission Centre Conference (held twice a year, usually in Birmingham)

On the Web:

To Read:

  • Book of Mormon Girl, by Joanna Brooks
  • Mormonism: A Very Short Introduction, by Richard Lyman Bushman
  • The Book of Mormon’s Witness to Its First Readers by Dale Luffman
  • Continuing Your Discipleship in Community of Christ: An Introduction for Latter-day Seekers*
  • Conceiving God: A Guide for Latter-day Seekers on Community of Christ Theology*

*Available at

To Listen or Watch:

Stephen Veazey

John Hamer


Sunstone UK

To Experience: 

  • A welcome at Community of Christ congregations, groups and events. Come and find out more, find friendship, share your story, find answers and find a home.


  • Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  to speak to a minister, for more resources, to ask questions or to link up

To Order:

Herald Publishing House is the publishing division of Community of Christ in Independence, Missouri. Its history dates back to 1860.

You can order in two ways:

Online through Herald House 

You can also order through our local book steward Janice Fox This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via our Mission Centre Office 01246 768831


Thursday, 12 April 2018 13:35

Privacy Policy

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Under Data Protection legislation the Charity Trustees of Community of Christ – British Isles Mission Centre is the Data Controller.  

If you complete our ‘Contact Us’ form on this website we will only retain your name and details for as long as is necessary for us to deal with your enquiry.  We will NOT pass on your details to anyone other than the person (or people) in our church who are best able to deal with your enquiry.

If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please speak to our Data Protection Trustee & Financial Officer Andrew Fox who can be contacted by ringing our Mission Centre Officer 01246 768831 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

If you are not able to find the answer to your question or you are not satisfied with the response you also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office by contacting their helpline on 0303 123 1113

Tuesday, 03 April 2018 15:24


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Our SAFEGUARDING policy has been updated and will appear here soon Sept 2024

Tuesday, 03 April 2018 15:17


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Peacemobile is an exciting way for children to develop peace-making skills and awareness through play. 

 The wide range of interactive exhibits focus on the themes of:

  •  Peace for Me – helping children discover the wonder and beauty within themselves by increasing self-esteem, self-awareness, and self-confidence
  •  Peace for Us - helping children explore and practice cooperation, communication, conflict resolution and respect for others in their daily relationships 
  •  Peace for Everybody - helping children to examine the possibilities of others and celebrate the cultural diversity of the human race
  •  Peace for the Planet - helping children to address the need for care and appreciation of our earth

For more information contact Maria on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Tuesday, 03 April 2018 15:16

Explore & Discover

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Personal Study, Reflections, Spiritual Practices, Worship Helps 

Prayer for Peace - A daily service held in the Temple, Independence USA where the church reflects on and prays for the needs of a specific country

Daily Bread - A diverse expression of voices and stories from around the world upholding the identity, message, mission and beliefs of Community of Christ 

Sharing in Community of Christ - A great introduction to the history and ministry of Community of Christ 

Spiritual Formation - Resources for individual and shared discernment and practice

Mission Stories - Stories for personal and group inspiration about how the Spirit is moving today along with a link to current Community of Christ announcements - A dedicated website providing individuals and leaders space to explore and tools to become invitational Christ-centred communities of justice and peace through Leading Congregations in Mission (LCM)

Reliable Sources for Scripture Study - A more in-depth link to recommendations from Community of Christ for personal, congregational, group or online discernment.  The resource offers a good overall alignment with the church's theology and its approach to scripture 

Church History Principles - Article written by President Steve Veazey bringing together insights from past and present World Church leaders, church historians, theologians and others 

Practices of Discipleship - Helping to develop disciples to serve in an age-related document 

You can order resources and books from Herald House in two ways: 

Direct from Herald Publishing House 

You can also order through our local book steward Janice Fox This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via our Mission Centre Office 01246 768831










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