
You can make a difference. 

Generosity is one of the ways we can both honour our heritage, and our call to live as prophetic people who help shape the future God has envisioned for all creation. A Disciple’s Generous Response is a whole life commitment we choose to make in response to God's wonderful generosity. We express our gratitude to God with each breath of life we take, as we share generously, save wisely and spend responsibly. Understanding our stewardship at the personal, congregational, and denominational levels will bless us spiritually and grow us as a community, so that we can respond more fully and joyfully for the great work to which [we] are called and engaged (Doctrine and Covenants 154:5b).

Below is an opportunity to give of your treasures and your time. We encourage you to do both as an expression of your discipleship. 


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